“Fairy Footprints” by Diane Larouche Ellard is a fascinating portrayal of a fantasy garden blossoming with vibrant foxglove flowers. Warm and vivid hues bring the painting to life, as each delicate bloom is generously outlined with flowing, intuitive brushmarks. Blending the ancient art of encaustic with the dynamic energy of mixed media, the result is a visually stunning tapestry of colors and textures.
Diane Larouche Ellard makes her encaustic paintings with beeswax, damar resin (a natural tree sap that acts as a hardening agent), oil paint, and other media. She works in layers, fusing each layer with heat. Her collages use paper from old books, music, newspapers, and journals. She begins by laying out the collage, playing with the pieces of paper and making a horizon. From there she builds up layers of encaustic medium, ink, oil stick, and pan pastel. Diane’s process is intuitive, allowing the nature of her chosen media and collage to guide her process.
Questions about purchasing “Fairy Footprints” by Diane Larouche Ellard? Click here.