“State Street, Skagway, Alaska” by John J Penner is from a series of monochrome photos exploring a landscape of stunning beauty north of the 60th Parallel. Here we see a community that looks as though it wrestles with nature trying to take back its own. Though Skagway was an important port in the Alaskan Gold Rush between 1896 and 1899, today its streets look much as they did over 100 years ago.
Skagway, with a population of just over 1100, is located at the northernmost point of the Inside Passage in southeast Alaska.
John J Penner printed “State Street, Skagway, Alaska” using a process called piezography. Piezography a is a black and white printing process also known as carbon inkjet printing. It works with five to seven gray ink gradations and was first developed by Jon Cone in 2000. The inks are made from pure carbon pigments, which gives the print exceptional durability. Thanks to the fine gradation of the inks, piezography achieves a resolution and colour that is not possible with any other inkjet printing process. In “State Street, Skagway, Alaska”, Penner uses seven different hues of carbon ink in warm and cool variations, producing great clarity and detail. This photograph glows with a sense of the mystery of some of the northernmost parts of Canada and the United States.
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