“Terrarium” by Yonina Rollack is an example of a form of collage art called bricolage. Here artists construct or create an artwork from any materials that come to hand. In French, bricolage means roughly “do-it-yourself”. In art-making, it’s is applied to artists who use a diverse range of non-traditional art materials.
Collage making is just one part of Yonina Rollack’s art practice. When she was at art school she took a class called Collage and Digital Bricolage, and says she totally fell in love with its intuitive nature. It’s a process that allows her to drop immediately into a flow state, playing directly with colour and composition.
About “Terrarium” Yonina Rollack says, “With these works in particular, there is a synthesis between the simplified blocks of colour used in my screen printing approach and the collage technique involved in making a collagraph plate.”
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