“Tufted Titmouse” by Betsy Rosenwald is painted in watercolour, one of the oldest and most widely respected of art materials. But this time the artist uses it on post-consumer cardboard to highlight the habitat loss, climate change, and general eco-system collapse that has caused a decline in even the most common species. In spring 2024, Betsy Rosenwald was artist in residence at Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Amherst, Virginia, United States. Here, among other endeavours, she was able to widen her acquaintance with the beautiful avian species of our planet.
A little grey bird with an echoing voice, the tufted titmouse is common in eastern deciduous forests. The large black eyes, small, round bill, and brushy crest give these birds a quiet but eager expression. In Betsy Rosenwald’s Tufted Titmouse, we see one of the few birds in this series who have expanded in numbers since 1966. With the care that Betsy offers her subjects, maybe there is hope for more.
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